Today’s Adults Say Yes To Braces At Any Age

When it comes to braces, the image that most people conjure up is of awkward teenage years and metal mouths.  But today's adults are embracing braces more than ever before.  In fact, according to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), the number of adults seeking braces increased to more than 1.2 million between 2010 and 2012 - a record high.  Why? 

Why Get Braces as an Adult?

Certainly, an improved appearance can help boost your chances of getting a job, moving up in a career, and even being paid more.  A study at Rice University found that people trusted a person who smiled more than one who did not do so as frequently.  They even loaned money to smilers more than to non-smilers.  For working-age adults who are self-conscious about their teeth and smile, a simple orthodontic correction can help them climb that career ladder. 

On a social level, many adults reentering the dating scene may choose to get braces to improve their looks.  Does it work?  Anecdotal evidence says yes.  In speaking with former braces patients, the AAO found that 87% reported more success in personal relationships.  And with people living longer, the effort to get teeth corrected while in your 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond is an investment that will continue to pay off for decades. 

Loss of Stigma

Getting braces as an adult has been losing its bad reputation for years now.  All those adults who are getting braces are more likely to find so much benefit that they recommend the procedure to others.  Overwhelmingly so, according to the AAO. At nearly 92%, adults recommending to other grownups in their social circle can almost be called a contagion in the workplace, among family and between friends.  When your friends and coworkers are also sporting braces, it's much more likely that you will opt for the procedure as well. 

Options to Fit Your Lifestyle

Rather than be stuck with only one type of braces and a lengthy treatment period, adults are greeted by an ever-increasing field of orthodontia options.  In addition to the traditional metal-on-front braces, there are lingual braces (which go on the back side of your teeth), ceramic braces (which blend in better), and clear plastic molds that adjust teeth. The treatment period may be as little as 6 months in some cases. 

Its clear that there is no age limit to wanting to improve your pearly whites.  And with today's society and modern technology, it's easier than ever to get that smile you've always wanted, no matter if you're 18 or 80.  Contact a company like Arrowhead Family Dentistry for more information.
