Ways To Lessen Your Chance Of Tooth Decay

If cavities are frequently discovered during your dental appointments, you may be alarmed. After all, the health of your teeth is important to your comfort and overall health. Nevertheless, there are multiple lifestyle changes and dental applications that can lessen your likelihood of developing tooth decay. Here are a few of them:

Water rinse frequently.

Periodically rinsing your mouth with water throughout the day can remove debris and dilute decay-causing acid. Dental decay results primarily from your tooth enamel's exposure to acid released by the bacteria of your mouth. As oral microbes feed on simple carbohydrates left in your mouth after a snack or meal, they release acid. Their corrosive excretions dissolve the enamel of your teeth, causing decay. 

When you rinse with water, you remove the food source of the oral bacteria and help neutralize damaging acids.

Use an anti-microbial mouthwash.

Some mouth rinses are only designed to fragrance your breath. However, other mouthwashes contain active ingredients that rid your mouth of bacteria. By rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash daily, you can help eliminate the harmful bacteria in your mouth and lessen your chance of tooth decay.

Ask your dentist about sealants for your teeth.

Dental sealants can help protect the chewing surfaces of your teeth from decay. The grinding surfaces of your back teeth are often deeply grooved. When you eat, food and plaque can settle in the crevices to cause decay. 

Sealants, which are made of plastic, provide a protective barrier for your teeth. As a result, they are less likely to develop cavities from exposure to the acids produced by the bacteria in the plaque.

The sealants last for several years, so your teeth remain protected for an extended period.

Request a fluoride treatment.

Fluoride treatments are quick and easy to apply, but they offer substantial benefits for your teeth. Fluoride helps remineralize weakened areas of your teeth by attracting displaced minerals back to the enamel and combining with them to create a more acid-resistant enamel material.

The amount of fluoride within a professional fluoride treatment is much higher than that in drinking water or over-the-counter fluoride products, such as toothpaste. Still, there is no need to be concerned about over-consumption of the substance. The fluoride is not swallowed during a professional application, and thus, the treatment poses no risk of overdose.

To learn more ways to protect your teeth from decay, contact the office of a dentist in your area to schedule a consultation.
