Did You Child Chip Their Front Tooth On The Playground? How To Work With A Pediatric Dentist To Find A Corrective Solution
Children play hard on the playground, and it is common for minor dental injuries to happen as kids test out their new skills outdoors. Chipped teeth often happen when a child falls off of a play structure, or they slip and fall and hit their mouth on a hard surface such as monkey bar. As a parent, seeing a chipped tooth in your child's mouth is upsetting. Depending upon how it happened, your child might not even remember the injury. However, there is no mistaking that a chipped front tooth is visible when your child smiles. Pediatric dentist has several options to correct a chipped tooth, and you can use these tips to work with your child's dentist to find the appropriate treatment to ensure their comfort and satisfaction with their smile.
Make Sure It Is Just a Surface Chip
The first thing a pediatric dentist does when a child comes in with a chipped tooth is perform an exam. They will likely take x-rays and perform a visual inspection of the tooth that may include checking for pain. During this exam, the dentist makes sure that the blow to the mouth did not lead to deeper trauma such as an irritated nerve that could lead to a need for a more intensive treatment. If it is indeed just a surface chip that does not cause your child pain, then they can recommend treatments such as a dental bonding or a crown to make it look as good as new.
Consider the Type of Tooth
Dental restorations vary regarding their cost, appearance and longevity. These factors must be weighed carefully when you talk about how to fix a chipped tooth for a child. For instance, a baby tooth that will fall out in a few months may not be worth covering with a more expensive crown. For these situations, dental bonding is an option that is more cost-effective and easier for a young child to sit through. If your child's tooth is permanent and has a very large chip, then a crown may be your best solution to ensure that they have a long-term fix that stays with them as they mature.
Discuss How to Care for the Restoration
Both crowns and dental bonding can last for years without a problem. However, your child will need to be careful to keep up with their cleanings and avoid things that can stain the materials and cause it to look different from their other teeth. Once the restoration is placed, your child will simply need to continue with their regular exams where their dentist can check the restoration to make sure that it is still strong and working properly.
Contact a pediatric dental office, like Dentistry For Children, for more help.