4 Natural Remedies For A Toothache

Suffering from a toothache and don't know what to do about it? There are actually several natural remedies that you can try to help with your pain and discomfort.

Clove Oil

If you have some clove oil on hand, it is worth trying to see if it can help with your toothache. You can buy clove oil at your local grocery store, but also found at drug stores near dental-related items. All you need to do is cover a cotton ball with a few drops of the oil, and then place the cotton ball directly on the tooth that is hurting you. Let the oil-covered cotton ball rest against the tooth for about a minute, then you can remove the used cotton ball and throw it away.

Salt Water

A salt water rinse is great at treating tooth-related pain due to a dental abscess or some sort of trauma. This is due to how salt water can help reduce inflammation and swelling in the area of the affected tooth, which will help relieve pain. The salt can also help with extracting bacteria from a tooth as well.

All you need to do in order to create a salt water rinse is to mix a teaspoon worth of salt in a glass of water that is room temperature. Swish the salt water solution around for a half minute, then spit it out of your mouth. You can repeat the process several times a day to help deal with your pain and discomfort.

Hydrogen Peroxide

You can also use hydrogen peroxide to rinse out your mouth in the same way as salt water. All you need to do is dilute no more than a cap worth of hydrogen peroxide by putting it in a glass of water. Swish it around for half a minute and then rinse out your mouth. Make sure you're using a 3% concentration of hydrogen peroxide, and never swallow the mixture.

Dental Wax

Have a tooth with a cavity in it that is causing you problems when it is irritated? You can actually cover the cavity with dental wax. While dental wax is normally used to cover the sharp ends of braces while you are adjusting to them, it can serve other purposes as well. Place the was over the tooth until you can visit a dentist.


Ice packs can help decrease swelling. You do not want to apply heat to the area, since will cause more blood to rush to the area and cause your swelling to become worse.

For more information, talk to a local dentist.
