Got Tooth Pain? Here’s What Might Be Causing It

A toothache can happen suddenly or may gradually progress, and any tooth pain that is ongoing can cause great disturbances in your life. Aside from injury, tooth pain can happen for different reasons and may be linked to a dental condition that has yet to be diagnosed. The following dental conditions are known to cause tooth pain, and the pain will likely continue until you have the condition treated by a dentist.


Tooth pain is commonly linked to a cavity that forms in a decaying tooth. Cavities usually don't cause pain in their early stages but can start to hurt if the decay spreads beneath the enamel and deeper into a tooth. The dentist can usually stop a cavity from getting deeper and causing more pain by drilling out the decay and inserting a dental filling to fill the cavity. However, if the cavity reaches the root and causes an infection inside the pulp, you'll likely experience intense pain that may only be remedied with root canal therapy, which some dentists refer to as endodontic treatment.

Fractured Tooth

A tooth can crack because of something hard you ate or because the tooth is weak. Grinding your teeth at night can also make your teeth more susceptible to fractures. If you have a toothache but are unsure of the cause, a dentist can examine all your teeth to look for fractures that may be the source of pain. A toothache in a fractured tooth can be even more painful when you're eating or drinking anything that's hot or cold. Bonding, which involves filling a fracture with plastic resin, can often resolve a tooth fracture and stop tooth pain, but a crown may need to be inserted over the tooth to alleviate the pain and prevent the fracture from worsening.

Impacted Tooth

If a tooth isn't able to grow and emerge through the gums, it can become impacted and cause a lot of pain. The tooth may be impacted because another tooth is in the way or a cyst is obstructing its growth. Tooth impaction is a problem for many people when their wisdom teeth try to emerge, and pulling the teeth is often the only solution to stop the pain. If the impacted tooth isn't pulled, the pain will likely only get worse and can cause an infection.

Gum Disease

Inflamed and infected gums can also affect the teeth and lead to chronic tooth pain. The pain can become especially severe if gum disease starts to destroy the bones that support the teeth. If tooth pain from gum disease becomes unbearable, you may need to visit an emergency dentist for prompt treatment. In addition to pain, the teeth may become loose and fall out if gum disease is allowed to worsen to an advanced stage.

A toothache may be more than a nuisance; it can signify a bigger problem that should be addressed by a dentist as soon as possible if you want to put an end to the anguish. You can inform your dentist of any tooth pain that you're experiencing at your next checkup so that the dentist can get to the root of the problem. 
