
Dental Discoloration and How to Treat It

Even if you have no cavities, you are probably concerned about the appearance of your teeth. After all, they are displayed when you eat or smile, so others see and judge them on a regular basis.  One of the most common cosmetic dental issues is discoloration. Teeth that are yellow or darkly stained can make your smile look less attractive, and even if the teeth are healthy, they may appear decayed. Read More 

Benefits Of A Dental Implant

To replace a missing tooth, you have a couple of options. For one, you could receive a bridge, which uses wires and anchor points to suspend a crown from the other teeth in your mouth. While a bridge will fill the gap between your remaining teeth, it will not be as durable as your natural teeth. The second option is to receive a dental implant, which has many benefits. Placeholder Read More 

2 Tips to Soothe Pain After Undergoing a Distraction-Osteogenesis Procedure

If you are getting dental implants installed, then the first thing your dentist will look for is proper bone growth. Bone growth is needed in order to ensure that your dental implants will not fail once they have been placed. If you lack bone in your jaw area, then a dentist may suggest a bone-graft procedure to place bone there, or they may decide to conduct a distraction osteogenesis. This oral surgery allows your doctor to place new bone near your jaw line. Read More 

2 Tips To Ease Sensitivity After Getting Your Tooth-Colored Composite Filling

In order to install your tooth-colored composite filling, your dentist will need to get rid of the part of your tooth that is decayed. This involves drilling into your tooth. If you suffer from a large amount of decay, then a large chunk of your tooth will be removed before inserting the filling. Once the filling has been installed, you may experience some tooth sensitivity. This is due to the fact that the enamel surrounding your tooth is weakened by the dental operation. Read More 

2 Times You Should Contact Your Dentist Immediately

Sometimes, it can be difficult to know when you need to contact the dentist. Most preventative care visits are pre-scheduled, but other visits may become necessary throughout the year, especially when a dental emergency occurs. Here are a few examples of dental issues that necessitate an immediate call to your dentist's office: A Dislodged Tooth A tooth can be knocked from its socket by a traumatic blow. Once it is dislodged, the tooth begins to die. Read More