
5 Steps To Get Your TMJ Treated

Temporomandibular joint disorder is often called TMJ, and it can be a very painful condition. You may have first noticed the disorder when your jaw began hurting while chewing. Over time TMJ can lead to pain even while your jaw is at rest. It can even make it hard to close or open your mouth. Luckily, you don't have to suffer with TMJ. Here are five methods of TMJ treatment that can help. Read More 

Tips For Coping With A Tooth In Pain

It's likely that a toothache will happen at a time that is most inconvenient for you, either late at night or on the weekend when a dentist isn't in to help. If you find yourself in a situation where you're dealing with tooth pain, you'll need some tip on how to cope with the pain until you can schedule an appointment. Apply Peppermint Flavored Tea Bags One natural item that can help numb the tooth is peppermint, and the best way to apply peppermint to the painful tooth is with a flavored tea bag. Read More 

Braces Options For Athletic Kids

Seeing your child enjoy themselves while being athletic likely makes you feel like a proud parent. However, have you ever wondered if your child's interest in athletics makes them a poor candidate for braces? Here's what you need to know about getting braces for kids who enjoy sports and other athletic activities. Your Discussion  The first thing you should know is that when you go to meet an orthodontist, they'll want to know about your child's day-to-day life. Read More 

How Menopause Can Affect Your Dental Implant Procedure

If you are looking for ways to enhance your smile or correct a malocclusion, make an appointment with a dental implant services provider. He or she will evaluate your oral cavity and propose an effective treatment option to best suit your needs. If you are menopausal, be sure to tell your dentist, because menopause can affect the outcome of your procedure. Here are three ways menopause can affect the way you heal from dental implant surgery and what you can do about them: Read More 

Common Causes Of Pediatric Dental Problems

As your child's mouth is growing and developing, it is important to understand the types of issues that could impact this development. Failing to understand these key points may contribute to your child needing major treatments in the future. Excessive Thumb Sucking While it is perfectly normal for a young child to suck on their thumbs, this is a behavior that should be broken once the teeth start to grow into the mouth. Read More