
Got Tooth Pain? Here’s What Might Be Causing It

A toothache can happen suddenly or may gradually progress, and any tooth pain that is ongoing can cause great disturbances in your life. Aside from injury, tooth pain can happen for different reasons and may be linked to a dental condition that has yet to be diagnosed. The following dental conditions are known to cause tooth pain, and the pain will likely continue until you have the condition treated by a dentist. Read More 

4 Preventative Dental Services For Kids

A baby starts cutting teeth around the age of six months old. These new teeth will eventually fall out, but keeping them healthy is still important even though they are not permanent teeth. When you start taking your child to a pediatric dental clinic, they will focus on preventative services for your child's teeth. These services help you prevent problems with your child's healthy mouth. Here are four common preventative dental services that kids need. Read More 

4 Solutions For Tooth Sensitivity Besides Toothpaste

If your teeth are sensitive to changes in temperature or certain foods, you may be looking for a solution to your problem. Your dentist should check for any root causes, and if none are found, then they may recommend using a desensitizing toothpaste. If you've tried this type of toothpaste before with little luck, then you may want to look at other treatment options. Here are four treatments that could potentially help. Read More 

The Advantages Of Undergoing Root Canals To Protect Your Oral Health

Your teeth can suffer from illnesses and injuries, just like any other structure in your body. When you experience severe tooth pain because of damage or infection, you need to seek prompt treatment for it. However, you may not want to have the tooth pulled, which can leave a noticeable and inconvenient gap in your mouth. Instead, you may prefer to undergo root canals anytime that you experience an injury or infection to your teeth. Read More 

The Tooth Of Time: How Long Is Your New Dental Implant Going To Last?

When discussing your upcoming dental implant procedure with your dentist, you'll quickly get an idea of the level of commitment needed on your part. Yes, a dental implant requires a (minor) surgical procedure, followed by recovery. The replacement prosthetic tooth is then added to the implant, and the overall process is complete. Given the effort involved, one of the first things you might want to know is how long your implant will last. Read More